

Heals Gum Disease, Promotes Rapid Healing of Colds, Flu, Stomach Upset and More!"

“I personally always brush my teeth with it. It heals gum disease. My teeth are less sensitive now too.
I give colloidal silver to my clients that have any colds, flu, stomach upsets, aching joints, lethargy, or have any open cuts. Everyone has given me a good report back that they are amazed by the quickness of their healing
They also put in a request for more! One man I gave to said he took it and it completely took away a 'little cough' he had for years! Whatever was causing it, it went bye-bye! He was amazed!
I am so happy it is available to all of us!!! Thank you!”
Ava C.

"Healed Deadly MRSA Infection and Saved My Friend’s Leg from Amputation! "

“I have a dear friend who is well over 500 pounds. My car is the only one that he can ride comfortably in AND tow the trailer with his enormous electric chair. For that reason, I am the one that takes him to his VA appointments (105 miles away) and his doctor appointments (45 miles away).

He suffered from MRSA in bedsores on his leg that had not healed for 8 years. At a doctor appointment, his doctor said we needed to think about amputation of his lower leg to keep the MRSA at bay. I expressed concern that if we couldn't heal his bedsores, how would we be able to heal an amputation. I was told that the MRSA was not colonized directly below the knee and the skin would heal there. But I was skeptical. I also didn’t know how he would handle anesthesia because of his size and inability to lay down flat for any length of time.

So I asked the doctor to let me try something for one month and he just said, "At his point we have nothing to lose except his leg." He said he was going to call in a prescription for another high strength antibiotic (Zithromax). History showed us that as long as he stayed on the antibiotics, the progression of the MRSA would slow down. But within two weeks of getting off of it, he would get very ill again.

As we drove home, I explained my Colloidal Silver idea to my friend. This was on a Thursday, I believe. I gave him some silver to drink and for his wounds. I told him to take a "drink of approximately twice a day. I also asked him to have his home health nurse (who'd been working with him for years) to soak the bandage with it when she redressed his sores.

On Monday, he called the doctor’s office to find out why they hadn't called in the antibiotics. The nurse got on the phone and asked why he wasn't in the hospital. The doctor had assumed that he was going directly to the hospital when we left his office. The nurse told my friend that he needed to get to the hospital right away as the blood work done in the office at his last appointment showed he only had days to live!!!!
He called me and we rushed over to the hospital and you know what we found? NO MRSA! The doctor couldn't believe it. Over the next few weeks, the home health nurse saw his wounds closing up. She was amazed that the skin was granulating again.

Then, my friend got sick and lightheaded. The newest exam showed that the dosage of his current hypertension meds were too high. I told my friend to lower the BP meds but stay on the silver. His daughter and son in law started reading the propaganda on Silver and convinced him to stay off of the silver and took it away from him. Within two weeks, he was hypertensive and sick again. Back to the hospital in ICU.

I am happy to report that he still has his leg, is on a weight loss program in a nursing home, and he has lost over 80 pounds and will be coming home WITH HIS LEG!!! Once home, his nurse can start soaking the bandages and dressings in silver and I have no doubt that it will heal the rest of the way.
It only took 4 days for his blood work to go from system-wide Septicemia with MRSA to "No Detectable Infection".

I wish we could work on his sores but I have to get him out of the medical facility as they won’t let me put anything on his bandages and dressings. However, the sores are now wrapped by the doctor in a special silver-impregnated dressing. So I know the Dr. understands that silver helps. They just will not let me soak his dressings. Hospital policy.

I have several friends that use a nasal spray bottle of silver to inhale silver when they feel a sinus infection starting. I also spray it on my kid’s scrapes. I put a 1/4 cup in the washer to keep my towels from sour smells. I put it in my chicken’s water to keep them well. My friend is giving her daughter silver to help with her eczema. I haven't seen her but her husband said it was working and asked for another quart yesterday.

I did NOT get an H1N1 vaccination for myself or my children. As a paramedic, I have a pretty good immune system and will trust silver to take care of any infections that I get exposed to. It is documented that it killed the systemic MRSA, worked topically on the MRSA-laden bed sores, AND lowered his need for hypertensive meds. I am a believer!!!! Actually, I don't just "believe" in it, I KNOW it works!”

Healed Eye Infection Overnight!"

“My eye started draining one night, which is very unusual for me. I thought great I'm getting an eye infection. That night I put 2 drops of colloidal silver in my eye. The next morning my eye was better. I was thrilled and hooked on the benefits of colloidal silver.”

"No Colds, Flu or Infections; and I Sleep Better, Too! "

I started taking Colloidal Silver to help fight off colds, flu and any other viruses and infections that I possibly might get. It has done the job! This fall and winter I have not had a cold, flu, or any kind of virus or infection. And I’ve been around many sick people with colds and flu!

I had a surprise benefit shortly after starting to take Colloidal Silver. I have been a chronic insomniac for several years. I take a medication that helps me get some sleep but not nearly enough. When I started taking the Colloidal Silver, my sleep time increased by an extra 1 1/2 to 2 hours. That much time increase in my sleep is of a very great benefit to me as anyone who never gets enough sleep well knows.
I take one teaspoon of Colloidal Silver daily in the evening.”
J. G.

83 Years Old: “No Colds Since I Started Taking the Colloidal Silver!”

“I’ve been taking colloidal silver for about a year. I’m 83 years old and got congestive heart failure. I really don’t think I’m taking enough for that but I haven’t had any colds since I started.

My 2 boys are also taking it. I gave my good friend Dr. Powell of Salem a quart of it, and he’s asked for more and says it’s good for you. I also use it for nose drops as I have sinus trouble.
P.S. I’ll probably take it for the rest of my life. I don’t trust or like drugs.
L. Becherer

"No Longer Have Continual Cold/Flu Symptoms; Healed Pneumonia and Strep Throat As Well!"

"Our family has been using colloidal silver for awhile...about 3 years for myself.
I no longer have continual cold/flu symptoms, but instead am healthier than most of the others at work, even those who I used to notice never get sick!
My wife had pneumonia once, and colloidal silver alone made her well. Another time she had strep throat, and colloidal silver was what took it away. We no longer use other antibiotics...no need. I have been able to help others as well.

"MRSA Totally Cured By Colloidal Silver With No Recurrence For 3 Years!”

"About 3 years ago, my husband had triple bypass surgery where he acquired MRSA in all the incisions on leg, thigh, and chest. In the hospital, I carried in a squirt bottle of colloidal silver, and he drank it all through the day.
We applied the Silver solution to his packing material, and bandages 3 times a day after he got home from the hospital.

It still took about a month to heal up, but in 4 subsequent tests after that, there is NO further signs of MRSA. CURED totally with no recurrence for the last 3 years.”
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