The following is a partial list of possible uses of colloidal silver.
Improve ear infections.
Some studies show that by adding ten drops in the ear, letting it sit for two minutes, and then tipping it out, you can speed up the recovery of ear infections. Works better when ear is clear of wax so silver can reach infection.
Fast eye infection recovery. Similar to ear infections, adding two drops of pure colloidal silver the eyes can help cure pink eye, sty, and other eye infections. Also works great on irritated eyes or a scratched eye.
Get rid of dandruff. Apply directly to scalp with dropper after a shower, rub in to get rid of the fungus that causes dandruff.
Help burns heal.
Silver has shown signs of soothing and furthering the healing of burns, especially sunburns. Spray it on.
Heal cuts boils, sores.
Colloidal silver has shown promise in promoting the healing of boils, sores, and cuts.
Insect bites and stings. Very quick and effective on mosquito bites, and snake bites, bee, wasp and scorpion stings.
Soothe rashes and itches.
Colloidal Silver is helpful in treating rashes, itches and skin irritations. Spray it on regularly.
Heal bites and stings. Very quick and effective on mosquito bites, snake bites, bee, wasp and scorpion stings.
Fight off colds.
Because of its antiviral properties, silver supplements have been reported as helping to prevent colds and flu by simply butting some under your tongue daily then swallowing. Also speeds up recovery.
Kill foot fungus. Colloidal Silver works by disabling an enzyme that fosters action inside anaerobic cells. These cells exist in fungus, bacteria, and viruses, therefore, colloidal silver is helpful in killing athlete’s foot and nail fungi. Spray it on regularly.
Control sinus infections.
By spraying colloidal silver into your nasal cavity, it can destroy infection and even reduce asthma.
Bad Breath. Use as the ultimate mouthwash. Just spray into mouth in the morning and an night to kill the bacteria on the back of your tongue which causes bad breath.
Great Deodorant.
Spray under your arms for a safe and effective deodorant which kills the bacteria that causes BO.
Womens Douche, Colloidal Silver is Amazing
at stopping yeast infections & other odors caused by bacteria or yeast. Traditional drugs may kill bacteria but then cause yeast to grow or vs. versa. Colloidal Silver quickly & effectively wipes them BOTH
out together. Put silver on a tampon or cloth and let it sit for a while to kill of the infection. Repeat until odor is gone!
Natural and safe Preservative,
Put into food that normally goes into a refrigerator like, milk yogurt and other perishables, it will kill off only the bad bacteria preventing the food from going spoiled, extend the foods life in the fridge and keep it fresh and prevent it from spoiling when traveling.
Healthy Pets.
Add to your pets water to kill pathogens and even parasites in their stomach. Save money on vets and drugs.
Clean Produce.
Spray on fruits and vegetables let it set for a few minutes to kill and harmful germs and pathogens.
Happy Plants and Trees.
Spray on plants and trees that have some disease to stop it quickly and safely.
Spray on counter or table to disinfect it.